Pre-trial Diversion (PTD) consists of an agreement between the State of Indiana and an individual with certain terms that, when complied with, will result in a dismissal of the case.
There are certain consideration when evaluating whether one qualifies for PTD.
If you are interested in determining if you qualify, consult with your attorney or let it be know at your hearing.
If you are interested in PTD, please let it be known at your first hearing.
IF you do not already have an attorney, and you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact with us questions at 765-614-3158
Ask your attorney or tell the Judge at your initial hearing.
Your case will proceed as if you had not entered into PTD. Fees paid to enter the Pre-Trial Diversion Program are non-refundable.
Your case is dismissed.
Howard County Prosecutor's Office
220 North Main Street, 4th Floor, Kokomo, Indiana 46901, United States
Criminal: 765-456-2230/Child Support: 765-456-2231
Copyright © 2024 Howard County Prosecutor's Office - All Rights Reserved.
Any information provided is not legal advice.